Iespēja pieteikties apmācībām, kas ieguvušas lielu atsaucību un starptautisku novērtējumu.
Lielākam ieguvumam, aicinām pieteikties no katras dzemdību nodaļas vismaz 1 pāri- vecmāti un ginekologu, lai vēlāk dalītos ar jauniegūtajām zināšanām un prasmēm savas nodaļas ietvaros.
Informācija par Obstetriwise:
ObstetriWise was created in 2020 by Obstetric Consultant Kamilla G Nielsen, to help spread obstetric knowledge, aiming to minimize intervention in childbirth.
The seminars are for health professionals. Topics are: Practical birthplanning with women in fear of childbirth. Ultrasound, rebozo and manual rotation during labour. Emergency obstetrics at homebirth or clinic. Vaginal breech birth.
Kamilla G Nielsen is part of the delivery unit in Aabenraa in Southern Denmark. A unit that has worked towards minimizing intervention in a safe environment with good outcome for mother and child. After joint effort from doctors and midwives the department now has a cesarean section rate of 13 %, which is the lowest in Denmark.
The rate of elective cesarean is 3,5% and the unit has a high rating of satisfaction in Denmark from women giving birth.
Informācija par darbnīcu:
The upright breech concept is a way of understanding the physiology of vaginal breech birth. The physiological way is connected into a method by several pioneers and a practical flowchart by Midwife Dr. Shawn Walker.
It evolves around using gravity by upright position at birth, movement to enhance rotation of the baby through the pelvis and a 5 minute time limit from buttocks til head is born to ensure only a short period of fetal distress.
I have also attached the programs to this email as PDFs. The program for Saturday includes a QR code, which I have also provided in a larger format. The program can be printed and also be sent to those you wish to reach.
Here is the link for the registration:
Saite reģistrācijai:
Dalības maksa:
Vecmātēm Eur 75.
Ginekologiem dzemdību speciālistiem un citiem interesentiem Eur 200.
*LVA biedriem bezmaksas pusdienas.
*Meistarklases noritēs angļu valodā.
*Vietu skaits ierobežots
QR kods aizved uzreiz uz reģistrāciju! ---> skat. attēlā